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CEPIC Curriculum

[trx_section title=”CV CEPIC -EUROPEAN CENTER OF PSYCHOLOGY, INVESTIGATION AND CRIMINOLOGY” description=”The CEPIC – European Center of Psychology, Investigation and Criminology (Centro Europeo di Psicologia Investigazione e Criminologia) is a non-profit Organization founded in Rome in 2002, which deals with education, counseling and intervention in the social-health and forensic field.
Since 2016 CEPIC has been signed up in the “Register of associations and organizations that carry out activities in the field of combating discrimination“ (registration number 520) pertaining to UNAR – National Anti-Discrimination Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for Equal Opportunities. The Office promotes equal treatment and the removal of discrimination based on race or ethnic origin.” top=”huge” bottom=”large”]

Priority objectives are training, research and prevention. In this regard, the articles of the Statute indicate:

Art. 4: The association is independent of organizations and political parties, it is apolitical and non-denominational and is not for profit. It has strictly scientific and professional purposes and character.

The Association aims to:

-To carry out didactic and formative purposes in the field of psychology, criminology, juridical psychology, security, criminal sociology, sociology of Deviance, Criminalistic, investigative psychology, criminal anthropology, Forensic psychopathology, forensic psychiatry, social psychology, psychotherapy, sexology, graphology, sexual psychopathology, deviance psychology, science of investigation;

-To carry out activities of prevention and promotion of mental health;

-Research, scientific dissemination, listening, support, school and career guidance in the psychological, investigative, criminological, criminalistic field;

Organise seminars, cultural events;

-Create and treat magazines, books, publications, Web pages, listening desks;

-to treat any other activity related to the associative purposes or related to them

-The association will be able to join federations and other associations with similar aims

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The Cepic participates in the project called SPIRIT and funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme in the SECURITY-FCT (Fight against Crime and Terrorism) Area as a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) for the purpose of combating crime and Terrorism.

SPIRIT consists of 17 partners from 9 countries and includes police forces, universities and businesses.

The aim of SPIRIT is to develop a methodology, with relevant software to assist police investigators in resolving multiple identities used for criminal and terrorist purposes through the initiation of complex research on All types of source data so as to advance investigations by proposing clues and cues through a process of Collaborative reasoning.

The Cepic is engaged in educational, formative, research and design activities, in the field of psychology, criminology, juridical psychology, security, criminal sociology, sociology of Deviance, criminalistics, psychology Investigative, criminal anthropology, forensic psychopathology, forensic psychiatry, social psychology, psychotherapy, sexology, graphology, sexual psychopathology, deviance psychology, science of investigation. Offre inoltre, sostegno e consulenza in ambito psicologico, formativo, investigativo e forense.

In recent years, given the multiple commitments of members, involved in the design of several European calls, we have chosen to create training modules on behalf of other structures (as in the case of course 2016 on psychopathy for the Order of lawyers of Grosseto or Of the module created for the municipality of Rome on the subject of equal opportunities) or to offer the competence of the members as professors and lecturers.

An e-learning platform is currently in preparation which will be active for the end of 2019 with the relative programming for distance learning.

Courses on: “Disability and Sexuality” – “Relational and deviance pathologies”-“emergency psychology and Trauma intervention”

La presidente del Cepic è impegnata in qualità di docente, per conto di Laborform formazione & salute (provider Ecm), nel portare in diverse città italiane (Roma, Genova, Bologna, Sassari, Avezzano, Campobasso, Ancona, Cagliari, Bari), diversi corsi teorico pratici di 8 ore, indirizzati a psicologi, medici, neuromotricisti, educatori, infermieri, fisioterapisti e operatori.

The Cepic was engaged in a research project aimed at assessing the real incidence of Satanism in Italy, concluded in 2017 and merged into a handbook containing investigative protocols and a vademecum for the correct reading of the phenomenon and The interpretation of the symbols.

In this context, the Cepic, in the person of the Director and coordinator of Research, Chiara Camerani, has played the role of consultant on sectarian and satanic phenomena for the RAC – criminological Analysis Department of the Carabinieri’s weapon, within of the Exchange and updating meeting with the MIVILUDES (Mission Interministérielle de vigilance and de luttes contre les dérives sectaries), the Interministerial Commission French dealing with sectarian drifts.

The group was also invited to present the data collected on the incidence of youth Satanism in Italy at the Italian League of Human Rights, Lions Club, LUISS University at the Chamber of Deputies.

“Satanism between myth and reality” Camerani, Lombardo, Sanvitale. Sovera Editions, 2017

Again on the seven and new religious movements, an evaluation test of possible dangerous drifts in the sectarian fieldhas been completed, already successfully employed in the procedural and legal field.

Chiara Camerani and Roberta Sacchi

Workshop on the subject of psychopathy and its evaluation. Made for the order of lawyers of Grosseto and for International Centre of Positive Psychotherapy (8 hours)

The prolonged experience in the field of psychopathy and the long validation work of Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, together with the qualification obtained by Prof Robert D. Hare, the highest international expert in Of psychopathy, makes us among the most prepared trainers in Italy in this field. For this reason we have been asked to carry out a course, addressed to lawyers, jurists psychologists educators and doctors, aimed at guiding participants in the acquisition of the basics related to the construct of psychopathy and its implications in Forensic sciences and to acquire the basic skills on the use of psychopathic Personality assessment tools (PCL-R), as well as providing general knowledge on the management of the interview with subjects with psychopathic personality.

Scientific seminars for employees of Rome Capital for Rome Capital Department equal Opportunities

The Cepic has won the announcement for the realization of scientific seminars addressed to the employees of the Equal Opportunities Department of Rome Capital, related to the form: “Recognizing harassment at work and in the private”.

The Cepic participated in the project “looks like a game…” A program of prevention of sexual abuse directed primarily at primary school children.

“Looks like a game…” It was applied, from the year 2004 to 2012, on more than 8,500 children, in different regions of Italy obtaining acknowledgements and credits. Nel 2010 infatti, “Sembra un gioco…” è stato presentato nell’evento lancio della campagna del Consiglio d’Europa “One in five” quale buona prassi italiana per la prevenzione dell’abuso sessuale sui minori. The past Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni has defined the model “innovative and effective” and the guarantor for the childhood and adolescence of the Lazio region that has defined it “high social value”.

As part of the project for the prevention of paedophilia “looks like a game”, the Cepic has carried out the activities of training, training, statistical evaluation of data and dissemination of results. The project was developed by the cooperative three and over the years has seen as promoters, partners and lenders the municipality of Zagarolo, the Lazio region, the province of Rome, the city hall Rome XI, the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the ASL of Bergamo


LAZIO: Comprehensive Institute P.M. Corradini ‐ Rome; Comprehensive Institute M.F. Nobiliore ‐ Roma; Comprehensive Institute Fontanile Anagnino ‐ Roma; Comprehensive school Orsa Maggiore ‐ Rome; , 45 ° Circolo didactic Cesare Battisti ‐ Rome, Comprehensive institute Via Pincherle ‐ Rome, Comprehensive institute Marcello Mastroianni ‐ Rome, Comprehensive Institute of the Solidati Tiburzi – Rome, inclusive Institute of Montecompatri (Rome), Comprehensive Institute of Orte ( VITERBO), Comprehensive Institute of San Cesareo (Rome), Istituto comprehensively Valle Martella of Zagarolo (Rome), comprehensive institute Colle dei Frati of Zagarolo (Rome), 275 ° Circolo didactic of Zagarolo (Rome), 2nd didactic Circle of Pomezia (Rome), Institute Inclusive Don Milani ‐ Pomezia (Rome), comprehensive institute Horace-Pomezia (Rome), comprehensive Institute S. Giovanni Bosco-Pomezia (Rome), Comprehensive Institute S. Ta Procula-Pomezia (Rome)

MOLISE Comprehensive Institute San Pietro Celestino-Isernia, Circolo didactic San Lazzaro-Isernia, Circolo didactic Via Cirese-Campobasso, didactic circle Giovanni Paolo II-Campobasso, Didactic Circle Amatuzio-Bojano (Campobasso), Institute inclusive of Riccia (Campobasso, 2nd didactic Circle of Termoli (Campobasso), Comprehensive Institute of Jelsi (Campobasso)

Apulia 9 ° Circolo Manzoni-Foggia, Circolo didactic San Pio X-Foggia

Lombardy Comprehensive Institute Cazzulani – Lodi, 4th Circolo didactic di Lodi, comprehensive Institute of Borghetto Lodigiano (Lodi), Comprehensive Institute of Casalpusterlengo (LODI), Comprehensive Institute of Castiglione (Lodi), didactic Circle of Maleo (Lodi), Institute Inclusive Savoy of Bergamo, Comprehensive Institute of Verdellino (BERGAMO), Comprehensive Institute of Brembate Sotto (Bergamo), Comprehensive Institute of Almenno San Salvatore (Bergamo), Comprehensive Institute of Stezzano (BERGAMO), Comprehensive Institute of Villa di Serio (Bergamo), Comprehensive Institute of Borgo di Terzo (Bergamo), Comprehensive Institute of Tavernola (Bergamo)

Abruzzo Comprehensive Institute of Mosciano S. Angelo (Teramo), Comprehensive Institute of Roseto degli Abruzzi (Teramo), Comprehensive Institute of Basciano (TERAMO), Comprehensive Institute of Cellino Attanasio (Teramo), Comprehensive Institute of S. Omero.

Description of the project. Through participation in prevention training children are led to recognize potentially critical situations, resist the “seductive” conduct and possibly refer to their significant figures, according to the well-known 3R-paradigm Recognize resist reporting. The name “looks like a game…” It has a double valence. Firstly, it is known that sexual abuse behaviors are proposed and “masked” to the child in the form of a game. The game, in fact, is the preferred means of priming: through it the pedophile captures the trust and affection of the child making it available to keep the secret. Second “looks like a game…” It is evocative of the methodology of the prevention protocol: situations and behaviors of abuse are presented to children in the form of simulated play. The program uses, that is, the same strategy of approach as the pedophile, channeling the attention and curiosity of the child in the experimentation and detection of the warning signs that are presented during the game. The program takes place in school and involves the class group.

The children “play” with the team composed of two psychologists and an educator who simulates the behavior of solicit and seduction of the pedophile. The Games resume the two most frequent risky situations: the first, in which a “stranger” comes into contact with the children and tries to lure them; The second, in which a “familiar figure” puts into effect seductive behaviors. The games are repeated twice. The first Test gives us guidance on the degree of risk perception of children in relation to the situation that is proposed to them. In the second Test we orient the children towards behaviors and evaluations consistent with the purpose of the simulation, rewarding, with positive scores, the safe behaviors.

The Cepic has carried out half-yearly refresher and training courses in training activities coordinated with Ministry of Public Education, regional School office for Lazio

The courses have been conceived as a permanent tool for training, updating and raising awareness for the operators of the sector, of information to a wider public and, together with this, as a reference, exchange and collaboration between structures Institutional and not, between experts of different professional belonging.

They propose to provide a technical, methodological, psychological and operative preparation on the different aspects of the approach to crime, the offender and the victim.

The aim is to establish a constant reference point of research, development and training according to an interdisciplinary approach. The courses, aimed at different professional figures, are structured according to a degree of complexity and increasing breadth each topic was held by the best national experts in the field of discussion. Law enforcement experts, university professors, researchers and specialists in various fields have alternated in the explanation of deviant dynamics, intervention and contrast techniques, prevention and protection. Supported by audiovisual material, lecture notes and practical exercises.

Refresher course and training in “Sexual psychopathology – Clinical and criminological analysis of deviant sexual conduits” (45 hours) realized by CEPIC – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and Adult education in Rome.

Half-yearly refresher and training course in “Theories and techniques of investigative and criminological analysis” (80 hours) realized by CEPIC – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and Adult education in Rome.

Six months course of updating and training problems related to deviance and child abuse: “Dal bullismo alla pedofilia, individuazione e gestione del minore vittima e carnefice. Devianza minorile e minori abusati” (80 hours) realized by CEPIC – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and Adult Education in Rome

Half-yearly refresher and training course: “Scene Analysis Crime, criminology and Emergency Management“(80 hours) carried out BY THE cepic – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and training in adulthood in Rome.

Half-yearly refresher and training course: “Investigative Psychology and Criminology” (80 hours) REALIZED BY cepic-European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4 ° Permanent Territorial Centre for Adult Education and training in Rome.

. Refresher and training course: “Psychology of criminality and Deviance” (48 hours) REALIZED BY cepic – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, Regional school office for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Adult Education and training in Rome

Refresher and training course: “Criminalistic Criminology and Investigation Sciences” (80 hours) REALIZED BY cepic – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in coordinated training with Ministry of Education, school office Regional for Lazio-4th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and training in adulthood in Rome.

Refresher and training course: “Criminology and Forensic Sciences” carried OUT BY cepic – European Centre of Psychology Criminology investigation in activities of coordinated training with Ministry of Education, school office Regional for Lazio – 26th Permanent Territorial Centre for Education and training in adulthood of Ciampino.

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Training Programs

Altri corsi di formazione sono stati organizzati in forma intensiva e mirati a fornire strumenti e protocolli di intervento su specifici argomenti agli operatori del settore. [/trx_title]

Course SoSInt Geographic Information Systems and Open Source Data Analysis for Socio-Spatial Intelligence. 24 hours. (16-17 October and November 19)

Intensive Professional Refresher Course: The faces of the lie. Lie detection and interrogation techniques. 24 hours. (January 20 -21 -22)