It consists an association called “Cepic European Center of Psychology Criminology investigation.” It shall be governed by this Statute and by the relevant legal provisions in force. The association is based in Rome. The meetings of the organs can also be convened in other offices. The association will be able to establish, by deliberation of the Board of directors, the detached sections in the places that it considers most opportune, in order to achieve the social goals. Features The Association is born as a spontaneous union of people, has a cultural character, is apolitical, non-partisan and has no profit or union purpose. The association is independent of organizations and political parties, it is apolitical and non-denominational and is not for profit. It has strictly scientific and professional purposes and character. The association proposes:-to carry out didactic and formative purposes in the field of psychology, criminology, juridical psychology, security, criminal sociology, sociology of Deviance, Criminalistic, investigative psychology, Criminal anthropology, Forensic psychopathology, forensic psychiatry, social psychology, psychotherapy, sexology, graphology, sexual psychopathology, deviance psychology, science of investigation; -To carry out activities of prevention and promotion of mental health; -Research, scientific dissemination, listening, support, school and career guidance in the psychological, investigative, criminological, criminalistic field; -Organise seminars, cultural events; -Create and treat magazines, books, publications, Web pages, listening desks; -to treat any other activity related to the associative purposes or related to them the association will be able to adhere to federations and other associations with similar purposes. The association will be able to provide its collaboration to other bodies for the development of initiatives that are in its aims. It must, however, always maintain the most complete independence towards the governing bodies, public or private companies, trade unions. Duration-social and administrative exercise the duration of the association is not predefined. The social and administrative exercise, after the first year which will close on 31 December 2002, starts from 1 January to 31 December each year. Associated with The association’s appearance is free and voluntary. The services provided by the Associates are free of charge and are required to comply with this Statute and the resolutions adopted by the representative bodies in accordance with statutory powers. The association consists of an undetermined number of associates. The association may join those who, natural persons or entities, intend to participate in the complete implementation of the social purpose or who are welcomed by the unanimity of the Governing Council membership of the Association is not temporally determinable . RIGHTS OF ASSOCIATES All the associates have, if of age and in rule with the payment of the dues, the right to participate in the associative life in its various expressions and in particular: they have the right to vote in the assemblies for the approval and the modification of the statute and regulations and for the appointment of the social organs; They have the right to participate in any activity of the association. DUTIES OF ASSOCIATES The associates must: contribute to the associative activity for the realization of the institutional purposes; Observe and observe the statutes and the associative regulations; Pay dues in established ways. DUES Associates at the time of enrollment, are required to pay the membership fee to the extent established by the Assembly of associates in accordance with the rules established by the Board of directors at the beginning of each year. The association coincides with the calendar year and must be renewed by 31 January of the following year by the payment of the annual membership fee. The non-payment entails the forfeiture of the associated quality. LOSS OF ASSOCIATE QUALITY The quality of associate is lost by: resignation of the associate; Death of the associate; Non-payment of the annual membership fee and the additional fees possibly deliberate by the relevant social bodies; Radiation deliberate by the board of Directors. The quotas and the membership fees are not reassessable or transmissible, except in the event of death. DISCIPLINARY RULES The associated person responsible for the unobservances of this Statute and of the associative regulations and of the pipelines is not disciplined to the quality of associate. The disciplinary sanctions imposed by the board of Directors Cone: The recall: The suspension up to one year; The radiation. Organs They are associative organs: the Assembly of Associates; The Governing Council: the President; The Board of Auditors Assembly of Associates The Assembly of associates is made up of all associates and is chaired by the President or, in the absence thereof, by the vice president, or by the person designated by the speakers Attributions of the Assembly The people which Associates approve the general addresses and the programs of activity of the Organization and in particular are among its attributions; The appointment of the Governing Council and the auditor; Proposals to amend this Statute, decisions on the loss of quality of associate; The determination of the associative quota; The approval of the economic and financial statement: the approval of the regulations prepared by the Governing Council. Convening of the Assembly The Assembly of associates meets ordinarily at least twice a year. A first time by 31 December each year to determine the schedule of activities. A second time by 30 April and, where requested by special requirements, by 31 June, to deliberate on the moral and financial relationship and approve the economic and financial statement drawn up by the Governing Council. The shareholders ‘ meeting is convened by the President through letters sent to the Associates ‘ domicile and/or by posting at the registered office of a special notice containing the order of the day, the place, the time of the Assembly. The Assembly also meets exceptionally on the initiative of the Governing Council and at the request of at least one third of its members. Assembly meetings The Assembly is validly constituted in first call if there are at least half plus one of the associates and in second call, after at least one hour from the first and not later than 24h, whatever the number of the associates present. The assembly is sovereign and decisions are made by majority of voters. They have the right to vote all senior associates of age are allowed only one delegation. Each senior associate of age is entitled to a vote as provided by art. 2532 Second subparagraph, C.C., as recalled by art. 5 paragraph 4d, letter e) Legislative Decree No. 460/97. The assembly votes by show of hands. On the decision of the president or at least one third of the present, in relation to matters of particular importance, the vote may take place by secret ballot with the aid of two tellers appointed by the president. The shareholders ‘ meetings are brought to the attention of the associates in the same manner with which the Assembly was convened. Board of Directors The Governing Council consists of a minimum of three persons to a maximum of seven advisers who will all be elected by the Assembly. For the first time the appointment of members of the Council hyenas carried out in the Articles of association. If, for any reason, the number of directors is reduced to less than two-thirds, it shall be deemed to be forfeit and be renewed. The office of adviser is free of charge, except for the right to reimbursement of expenses and without any remuneration approved annually by the Assembly of Associates Gathering of the Board of Directors The Governing Council shall meet on the convening of the President or on written request of at least two thirds of the components. The gathering is valid with the presence of the majority of the members. Decisions are made by majority vote. Attributions of the Governing Council The Governing Council, without prejudice to the competences of the Assembly of associates, provides for what it may take to administer the association and to achieve the social goals. The Council is invested with all powers for the attainment and implementation of social purposes and for the management and administration of the association. In particular, its attributions are: to fix the convocation of the Assembly and to establish the order of the day; Implementing the Assembly resolutions: providing for the ordinary and extraordinary administration of the association; Appoint the president where he has not been appointed by the Assembly; Drawing up the economic and financial statement; To draw up the associative regulations in accordance with the basic principles of the statute and to set the implementing directives; Establish the amount of annual association quotas, subject them to the approval of the Assembly of Associates. Deliberating about the eligibility of associates. Deciding on the activities and initiatives of the Association, in accordance with the statutory principles. The revenue of the association is constituted by the dues, any other possible entry and contributions, grants, donations and legations to the name of the current laws regulations. These revenues are intended to achieve social goals. Any profits may not be participated but will be reused for the asociative purposes. The social patrimony consists of all movable and immovable property belonging to the Associazone. It will not be possible to distribute profits or leftovers of management, as well as funds, reserves or capital, during the life of the association, unless the destination or the distribution is not imposed by law. Dissolution The association dissolves if the plurality of the associates are less without this being rebuilt in the period of six years. In other cases the dissolution is decided by the Assembly of associates with the vote of at least three quarters of the components of the same Inheritance Devolution In the event of dissolution, the assets will be donated on deliberation of the Assembly of Associates, specially convened, to another association with similar purposes or for the purposes of public utility, heard the control body, pursuant to art 3, paragraph 190 L. N. 662/96 and unless otherwise imposed by law. Rules of Procedure Le norme funzionali all’esecuzione del presente statuto possono essere fissate con regolamento interno a cura del consiglio direttivo e approvato dall’assemblea degli associati Call to the laws For everything not expressly provided for in this Statute, it is to be referred to the laws and regulations of the State and other constitutional bodies.Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
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Article 13
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Article 19